About Us

Welcome to our corner of the internet! We’re architects by trade but photographers and musicians at heart.
We started this photo blog to share our adventures and inspire fellow travelers who, like us, dream of exploring the world, waking up to stunning views, sipping coffee everywhere, savoring local cuisines, and capturing it all through our lenses.

How we travel

While we haven’t had the chance to travel internationally as much due to the challenges of taking time off from work, we make the most of our weekends exploring our home city of Qatar. Fridays are our dedicated days for discovering new spots and soaking in local experiences.

We’re all about balancing adventure and affordability. By saving throughout the year, we indulge in memorable annual vacations and special occasions without breaking the bank. We seek out the best hotels, restaurants, and tourist spots, but also love finding ways to travel on a budget so we can stretch our dollars further.

We’re coffee enthusiasts with a soft spot for cozy cafes. Though we haven’t mastered swimming, we adore beaches and high-altitude, snowy places. We thrive on adrenaline and enjoy extreme adventures, skateboarding, and immersing ourselves in arts and music. We’re passionate about tasting local foods, exploring streets, nature, and spending time with dogs and cats.

Meet Us

Anne (Photographer/Videographer): Equipped with a Fujifilm Xpro2, Fujifilm X100V, and Leica M4-P.
Den (Photographer/Graphic Designer/Driver/Tech Guy): Armed with a Fujifilm X100F and Ricoh GR III.
We’re thrilled to share our journeys and hope our experiences spark your own wanderlust. Thanks for visiting, and we look forward to connecting with fellow explorers and dreamers!
[Anne & Den]