First Film Roll with the Diana Mini

Hey everyone!

I’m super excited to share the results from my first roll with the Diana Mini! 🎉📸 This little gem is a half-frame camera, which means you get twice as many shots per roll compared to a standard full-frame camera. I loaded it up with Kodak UltraMax 400, known for its vibrant colors and versatility, and set off to capture some moments. And now that my photos are back (developed by my husband!), I’ve got quite the story to tell.

The ANEDventure Begins

I opted to skip the flash for this roll. For one, the flash is nearly as big as the camera itself—definitely not the most portable accessory. Plus, the price was a bit steep for my budget. Instead, I wanted to test the Diana Mini’s performance in natural light indoors. Little did I know, this choice would add some unexpected challenges!

The Dark Side of Things

Shooting indoors without a flash meant many of the photos turned out darker than I anticipated. The low light conditions gave some images a moody, shadowy look. Adding to the complexity, the Diana Mini’s half-frame format led to some unusual cropping. This quirky design meant that many shots were framed in ways I didn’t quite expect, resulting in compositions that were sometimes a bit off.

Despite these challenges, there are definitely some highlights. Kodak UltraMax 400 still brought out vibrant colors and grainy textures that are characteristic of analog photography. Even with the darkness and unconventional cropping, there’s a nostalgic, raw quality to the images that’s hard to replicate digitally.

Learning Curve

This roll has been a great learning experience. The half-frame format allowed me to capture twice as many shots, which was a bonus but also meant I had to be more mindful of my framing. The lack of flash, combined with the indoor shooting conditions, added to the challenge, but it also gave me a chance to embrace the Diana Mini’s unique characteristics. I’m excited to continue experimenting and might consider investing in a flash in the future.

That’s a wrap on my first roll with the Diana Mini and Kodak UltraMax 400! The half-frame format gave me twice the number of shots, adding a fun twist to the experience. Embracing the quirks of shooting indoors, along with the Diana Mini’s low-light performance and unique framing, has been an adventure in itself.

I’m looking forward to more experimenting and learning. If you have any tips for using the Diana Mini, handling low light, or working with Kodak UltraMax 400, I’d love to hear them in the comments!

Thanks for joining me on this analog adventure. Until next time, keep shooting and stay curious!



First Roll with Kodak Ektar 35